Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog 1 – Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection

  1. What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?
    1. Entrepreneurship
    2. Social Work
    3. Network Marketing
Entrepreneurship was a really helpful lesson to see because Ronny Rodriguez taught me what Entrepreneurship was and what an Entrepreneur does. This gave me ideas on how to start up my own business or how a business works in general. Ronny also provided me information of the ins and outs of successful businesses. Social work was a very interesting topic and helped me realize how important it is. Nathalie Iannetta did a great job with teaching me what social work does and how it can affect so many people’s lives. Social work in itself, is a type of business that helps me think of ways on how to work with businesses or create businesses. Network marketing, was by far my favorite presentation to watch. Christopher Figueora did an amazing job with explaining what network marketing is and how successful it can be. Christopher proved that he was passionate in his topic and showed that he actually went into depth into understanding what network marketing is. Christopher taught me that network marketing is a business that anyone can get into as long as you’re passionate about it and actually achieve for the best by working hard.
  1. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?
The senior project interviews were very helpful to me. With the two seniors I interviewed, I got the basics of what senior project will be. Now, I know this may not seem like a big thing, but one senior told me to work with two separate planners. One planner will be the general core work for all four classes during the year. The other planner will just be for senior project alone. This planner will have all the deadlines, when things are coming up, and a checklist of everything I will have to do and what I did do. This was very insightful for me and I am definitely going to do this for senior year.
  1. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?
I am considering two topics for senior project. One topic that I want to do is law. The reason why I am interested in law is because I have always been passionate in law ever since I was a little kid. I have always dreamed about becoming a lawyer, winning cases, owning my own law firm, and making a great income. As a back up plan, I would like to do figure skating. Figure skating is something I am very passionate about. I have skated ever since I could practically walk. Both my parents grew up figure skating and traveled around the world doing ice shows. Now my parents coach figure skating. My parents are the reason why I got into skating and I have loved every minute of it since. The only reason why figure skating is my back up plan is because it doesn’t provide a great income, only the average wage of an American.
  1. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).
For my law topic my EQ could be, "How can you expertly provide for the clients needs successfully?"

An EQ I can choose for figure skating could be is; "How can skills be taught to the ability level of a skater through communication and demonstration?"
  1. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?
Summer mentorship should be pretty easy for me to find. For law, I have a family friend who owns her own law firm. She also has a law and business degree. She will be able to be my mentor if I choose to do law. In figure skating, my mentor could be either my mom or dad. They both have professional experience with the figure skating world and could help me build a career out of it.

That's me!

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